Wednesday, November 05, 2008

WAR update! (again...)

PHEW! What a relief! My friend fixed the AVI format player and I'm pumped! She's done it for one of her games and she got it working. THAT is like, SO awesome! Another thing I have to say is that the day of animating the character sprites, has come...(OH NO, OH CRAP.) I've made alot of progress with the menu screen, and it looks SOLID! However, I have one concern... SAVING THE GAME, AND LOADING IT.(So much for Solidity...) I haven't learned INI files thoroughly enough to ensure this option, And if I can't, Then I'll have to use the level password option.(That means I'll have sacrifice the Character bio feature as well though... :*[ ) But hey, my spirits are still high from working on this game, And it most likely will NOT become abandonware(like, a thousand OTHERS I've never finished...). I'll be back to update my progress soon, Possibly with a video.

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